SW 7 Hwy Lots 2, 3 & 4 Highway SW, Blue Springs, MO 64014
Blue Springs, MO 64014
List Price: $$300,000
Sale Price: $$300,000 & $700,000
Parcel #: 41-930-98-01-00-0-00-000 & 41-930-99-01-00-0-00-000 & 41-930-99-02-00-0-00-000
Lot Size: see plat map for sizes
Current Use: vacant land
Zoning: AG
3 total lots available. See photos & docs. Lot 2 on 7 Hwy, lots 3 & 4 are on 6th St. The 7 Hwy lot is $700,000 and the 6th St lots are $300,000 each. Currently zoned AG. Currently 4.56 acres (3 lots). This is in a NID district. Lot 1 was sold to a convenience store.